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Overseer Elvis L. Bowman Sr.
Overseer Elvis L. Bowman Sr is the current Senior Pastor of Greater Mt. Tabor Christian Center. Raised as a "PK" (preacher's kid) he's been in church and a Christian all his life. At the age of five (5) years old, he started playing keyboards, and served under his father, E.L. Bowman, the Founding Pastor of Greater Mt. Tabor Christian Center as a staff musician until the year of 1974 when he was named as Minister of Music of the church to head the music department and served as the Church Business Manager until he was appointed as Pastor.
As an accomplished musician and music teacher, mastering several brass instruments such as trumpet, and bass, string instruments such as violin, keyboards, as well as percussionist, he excelled, and is also noted as a talented singer / song writer, credited as producing several gospel recordings with the highly known and well traveled Greater Mt. Tabor YYAC, and the group he birthed "From Earth to Glory" (FETG) who gained national recognition singing all across America, songs still today considered favorites such as "Whatever it takes", and "Thanksgiving for Victory". Several of FETG's members worked with National recording artist such as Kirk Franklin and the Family in some of our Nation's top Gospel projects. Not only is Overseer Bowman credited for influencing a number of singers, he's also highly respected among musicians and National artist across America, who still credit him as establishing the foundation that has led them to success in their music lives today.
After spending more than 50 days in a Fort Worth hospital, following a diagnosed brain tumor, in 1980, Overseer preached his first sermon January 1981 "Fighting fire with fireman Jesus." With a Bachelor's in Business, and a minor concentration in music from University of Texas at Arlington, and living in the same house with a Pastor and being able to relate to the complexities of Pastoring, Overseer would be the first to tell you neither preaching or Pastoring was on his mind. However after he accepted the call to preach during that hospital stay, he began to sharpen his theological background and continues to do so today with Certification training from various theological and Christian Counseling institutions.
After being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, his dad, then Pastor E.L. Bowman passed the Mantle to his eldest son, Rev Elvis Bowman Sr, to Pastor, and facilitate the vision he established for GMTCC to higher levels. Located in S.E. Fort Worth, at 2513 S. Edgewood Ter, the church has grown numerically totaling more than 700 congregants, grown both spiritually and physically, and transitioned from a traditional Baptist Church to a Full Gospel Baptist Church where Pastor shares Bishop Paul S. Morton's passion for Five (5) fold ministry. Bishop Morton believes that Baptist can and must operate with Power and Authority under the influence of the Holy Ghost to tear down Satan's Kingdom. Full Gospel is not a denomination, but a fellowship, and Greater Mt. Tabor, a member of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship is a non denomination church with autonomy from any of it's association, but do acknowledge and serve willingly Bishop Paul S. Morton. Furthermore, under the leadership of Bishop Paul S. Morton, in year 2008, Pastor Elvis was elevated as the Full Gospel District Overseer for Tarrant County, Texas, and currently serves in that Capacity.
At last estimate, Greater Mt. Tabor Christian Center has more 46 acres of land, valuing more than $1.3 Million in total assets and is poised to make a substantial difference in the community we serve with even more improvement.Appointed to several boards around the city and considered as one pioneering Social Services, Overseer's platform includes Social Responsibility. He's a true giver at heart, and wants to see people everywhere prosper. Overseer has a authentic love for people, and believe in the concept of teaching them to fish rather than giving them a fish, believing knowing how to fish has everlasting benefits. Taking a holistic approach, he's working very hard to address unemployment, housing and transportation needs, counseling resources, infant mortality, drug abuse, high school drop-out rate, just to name a few, to make our community self sustaining while improving the quality of life.
Overseer celebrated ten (10) years as Pastor for Greater Mt. Tabor Christian Center in February 2012. The church esteems to remain on the Cutting Edge of Christian Worship and Technology. With a well established Social Media team, one can enjoy live Video streaming of each of it's services each Sunday Morning at 9:15 a.m. at GMTCC.org, as well as logging on at GMTCClive, Face book us as well as send us a tweet. In the near future, GMTCC expects to be entering into Phase 1 of it's Urban Village that will eventually house it's new more than 75 square foot Special Events Center, Commercial/Retail center, linear park with bike trails, single family housing, social services power center, and more.
Overseer Bowman is the Husband of First Lady Margie Bowman, the father of four, Elvis Jr, Eric, Ejuan, and Marsheldondria.